Learn How To Heal Premature Ejaculation & Erectile Dysfunction To Become An EPIC Lover 

The Legendary Lover Course is for anyone who wants to master the sexual energy, cure performance anxiety & reignite the sparks in their relationship.. Without wasting years of their life fumbling around in the dark trying to figure this stuff on their own.

Solve Your Achilles Heel Once & For All!

There is nothing that kills a man's confidence and self esteem more than not being able to control his sexual energy.

So many of us (myself included) battled for years trying to understand what we're missing and why our body just doesn't work the way we want it to.


  • Not enough Sex!
  • Anxiety and stress about lovemaking.
  • Lack of confidence in the bedroom.
  • Busting too soon or struggling to get it up!
  • Fear to show up with your real authentic desires.
  • Walking on egg shells and avoiding confrontation or conflict.
  • Frustrated because your needs ain't getting met.
  • Winding up in abusive or toxic relationships.
  • Not feeling like your man enough.


Having helped hundred of men with these issues, my methods have got well over 50 testimonials.

Richard: USA

Aaron: Men's Coach - AUS

Pedro: Switzerland

Jacob: USA

Morten: Denmark

Stephen: Programmer

Abel: Lawyer - USA

The Legendary Lover Program

Extra Features of The Course

  • Access to the archive of recorded group calls over the previous 2 years.
  • Private telegram community
  • Ongoing weekly men's group meetings via zoom.
  • Dedicated practice session group calls to embody the skills.
  • Monthly group challenges and accountability.
  • Live group coaching calls with Jasper Brown to help you integrate all the nuances and teachings of the course.

Men's Transformation Stories

Alexander: Yoga Teacher

Johnnie: Chinese Medicine

"Combining The Lover & The Hero Archetypes Is The Deep Foundation On Which True Masculinity Is Built"

Check Out Some Of the Feedback From The Men's Community!

About Your Teacher & His Journey So Far..

I'm Jasper Brown, Men's relationship and intimacy coach.

For most of my life I struggled with PE/ED and performance anxiety.. Women were always a 'mystery' to me and after a string of broken and toxic relationships I finally looked in the mirror and realised that the problem was me.

This realisation led me down a crazy path..

I started searching for answers, travelled to India several times to study sacred sexuality and spent years doing intense amounts of daily practice and wild experimentation with my body.

But after my years of efforts and discipline I eventually stumbled on the tools that set me free.

I met the woman of my dreams, healed my dysfunctions and finally started to enjoy my life.

To date i've coached over 200 men with these issues and accumulated over 23 million views on my online content.

If you resonate with my story, this program is for you.



  • Feeling more confident and masculine
  • Creating deeper intimacy, trust and turn-on
  • Enjoying your life inside the bedroom and outside of it
  • Being unapologetic about your needs, desires and fantasies
  • Healing your wounds and supporting your lover to heal as well
  • Freeing up time and energy to focus on your life's purpose
  • Getting respect, appreciation and devotion from women 
  • Creating vibrant & healthy long term relationships
  • Living a life of deep integrity and meaning
  • Embracing your full power as a man

All these benefits are possible because when your relationship is unhealthy and the lovemaking isn't flowing, let's face it.. Life sucks!

You spend all your time putting out fires and struggling to get your needs met.

Imagine your relationship as a boat upon the high seas, no where to anchor or take shelter from 
the storms.

Constantly at the mercy of mother nature.

When you fix your relationship your home becomes a safe harbour.

A place to recover and & prepare yourself to head out into the world once more.

For the past 7 years I've been obsessed with physical, spiritual, emotional and energetic healing and development.

Searching for the ultimate solutions to create the harmonious love relationship and life i'd been longing for.

I've scoured the planet as well as the internet for the highest level teachings, systems, gurus and even travelled to India 7 times as well as over 20 other countries.

The cornucopia of knowledge i've digested has allowed me to distill many of the great insights and methods I've experimented with over the years..

Into the form of a video course and tight-knit community that will give you some insane shortcuts!

It's everything I wish I had access to, way back when I started.

And it's all right here for you.

Who This Course is For:

  • You want to learn how to heal your relationship to your primal masculine essence from the comfort of your home. (aside from time spent in nature) 
  •   You are tired of wasting your time with so-called solutions, buying courses that don't work and fumbling around in the dark without any real improvements.
  • You are serious about your health, relationship, transformation & living to your highest purpose. 

Who This Course is NOT For:

  • You are looking for a quick fix, magic pill, or band-aid solutions. 
  • You want to continue wasting time & money doing it the hard and slow way. 
  • You want to continue doing the same old techniques because some 'guru' said it worked for them.




100% Satisfaction Guarantee

  • Instant access to the entire masterclass curriculum (40 videos totalling 15+ hours)
  • Step-by-step routines for solving PE/ED & performance anxiety (the natural way)
  • 12 in-depth theory presentations on all aspects of the teachings to give you a comprehensive conceptual understanding 
  • Deep embodiment practices to start working with immediately 
  • Guided meditations and deep relaxation techniques to develop your awareness and relaxation capabilities
  • Nervous system navigation tools to upgrade your body's base operating system
  • Practices that you can share with your partner / lover to deepen your intimacy 
  • Deep solo pleasure practices that you can apply tonight
  • Powerful mindset hacks that you can use to program your subconscious mind 
  • A knowledge base that will set you apart from most men on the planet
  • Healthy and assertive boundary techniques to maintain a integral masculine frame

I want you to have very little risk with this purchase. I am so confident it will be the best course on health, wellness & detoxification that you have ever purchased, I will personally refund you if you are unhappy within 7 days of purchasing it. No questions asked!

Frequently Asked Questions

We want to get you started on your health as soon as possible. So right after you sign up you will receive instant access via email, along with all of the videos & PDF's with a unique login and password just for you.

We like to update the content when needed, so this allows you to login from any computer or mobile device all around the world and receive the information at any time. The entire course is hosted on its own password­ protected website and even has it's very own app so you can immerse yourself in the content on your phone.

Not a problem. As a member of our course you get lifetime online access to the course material and free updates forever. Once you're in, you're in for life. That's how we roll :)

Results vary from man to man and obviously depends on how much work you put in. That said, many men see results within the first week or two, while others may take months of dedicated practice to achieve major breakthroughs. One thing is for sure.. If you do the work, the results will come. It's only a matter of time and effort on your part.

You could see massive benefit from just the first few sections of the course, but it is advisable to follow the entire course (or as much as you can do).

Then email [email protected] within 7 days to receive a refund. No questions asked.

Our mission is to take you from surviving to thriving. There is always room for major improvements and breakthroughs. Even after several years of doing this work, new lessons and incredible insights continue to appear.

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