Longer Lasting Lovemaking Masterclass

Overcome Premature Ejaculation Once & For All

If you found this video useful - Check out the 2 Hour Masterclass

Are you tired of losing control way too quickly?

She tells you it's fine.. but you can tell it really ain't..

That constant nagging feeling, of knowing that WAY MORE is possible..

If only you knew what to do..

Perhaps you've tried a bunch of so-called solutions and they didn't do sh*t

It's time to revolutionise your approach! 


  • Losing control way too soon
  • PE/ED or major performance anxiety 
  • Feeling more like room mates instead of lovers
  • Resorting to porn, drugs and other low consciousness coping mechanisms 
  • Wishing you knew how to re-ignite the sparks
  • Sensing your lover wants more, but not knowing how to offer it to her
  • Tired of feeling limited, frustrated and ashamed about your sexual performance
  • Not feeling like you're enough of a man
  • Afraid she'll leave you for someone else

A 2 hour live Masterclass

The exact system of knowledge and techniques that I used to cure PE permanently to create profound intimacy and passion.

 NOTE: This is not a QUICK FIX! Healing and empowerment takes serious work and commitment to achieve REAL RESULTS.  This workshop is a step in the right direction... For you to get started!

This Class Covers..

  • The theory behind pelvic floor hyper-tension
  • Understanding fight or flight responses in the body
  • Regulating the nervous system
  • Overcoming performance anxiety
  • Practical demonstration of core techniques for developing more control over the sexual energy.
  • In-depth Q&A with live participants (recorded)
  • Telegram group for ongoing support 

SOUNDS PRETTY EPIC RIGHT? we'll check out what some of the participants had to say..


Self Employed Tradie

"He taught me more things about loving my life than I ever could have imagined. I can't even put into words how much he's helped me. He's probably the biggest reason I'm still married"

So if all this resonates, then dive into the course below to receive instant access!

Course Pricing

The Legendary Lover - Live Masterclass

$37 USD

  • Master intimacy and become a legendary lover

    • How to cure premature ejaculation permanently
    • Physical practices for lasting longer in lovemaking
    • Developing nervous system capacity to hold erotic energy
    • Mastering intimacy and becoming a legendary lover
Buy Now