If you're not happy with the course, cancel any time. No Questions Asked.

Cure Nice Guy Syndrome, Heal Toxic Relationships & Awaken Your Masculinity

Reclaiming The Masculine is for men who want a structured approach for becoming a more powerful and conscious man. Get the support of a brotherhood of men without wasting years of your life fumbling around in the dark trying to figure this stuff on your own.

Right now, get monthly access to the course + men's group 
Inc bi-weekly calls for $197 (Normally $497) Offer expires soon.

"He's uncovered the absolute gold that will turn any man into a God-level-lover!"

- Aaron

"If you finally want to solve your personal relationship issues.. Work with this man!"

- Alexander

Solve The ACHILLES HEEL's That
Every Man Deals With

Reclaiming The Masculine was designed to solve the major struggles that the
majority of men on this planet face in their relationships and love life!


  • Anxiety and stress around women!
  • People pleasing and 'door mat' tendencies! 
  • Wanting more respect and admiration from women!
  • Struggling with 'Nice Guy' behaviour and ending up in the friend zone!
  • Walking on egg shells and avoiding confrontation or conflict!
  • Frustrated because your needs ain't getting met!
  • Winding up in abusive or toxic relationships!
  • Dealing with women in their masculine!
  • Not feeling like you're man enough!


The cool thing is, having helped hundred of men with these issues, we've got well over 50 testimonials. Here are some of our favourites...

Richard: Self Employed Builder and Father

"What I really started working with Jasper for was premature ejaculation and what I got out of working with him was far beyond that. He taught me more things about loving my wife and how to make love with her that I ever could imagine..

I'm forever indebted to the guy!"

Aaron: Couples Coach & Entrepreneur

"I can say without a doubt that it is the best course, best methods and best techniques I've come across,

I already had a degree of mastery with this stuff, but Jasper helped me take it to a whole new level!"

Abel: Lawyer

"The biggest gratitude that I had was that I realised at 46 that my body works perfectly! There's nothing wrong with me!

But what I was doing was not allowing my body to be at It's peak because I was addicted to a certain form of pleasure that was sacrificing my performance."

Pedro: Men's Coach

"I really think that investing in myself and my relationship has been one of the best decisions of my life.

Having him as a mentor, reflecting me and showing me how to reach the next level has really made all the difference for me."

Joseph Darling: Masculinity Mentor

"I can highly recommend him. I plan on working with him for a long period of time. Not only with myself, but also with all my clients.

What I like about him is that he's never going to give up on you and will go to the enth degree to help you get the results you desire."


Module 1: Intro & Core Principles

  • Intro to Core Concepts
  • The highest hero's journey
  • Radical responsibility
  • Developing vision & mastery

Module 2: Understanding The 'Nice Guy'

  • Understanding the origins and paradigm of the 'Nice Guy'
  • Major fears and coping mechanisms
  • Covert contracts & core needs
  • Nervous system awareness practice

Module 3: Embracing Authenticity

  • Understanding authenticity 
  • Developing emotional intelligence 
  • Stepping our of your 'box'
  • Authentic non-linear movement practice

Module 4: Developing Healthy Boundaries

  • Boundaries in relationships
  • Types of boundary failures
  • Assertive and healthy communication
  • Asserting boundaries practice

Module 5: Self Confidence & Love

  • Developing effortless confidence
  • The art of loving yourself
  • Stepping into your power
  • Primal masculine practice

Module 6: Conscious Relationships

  • Conscious communication
  • The conflict repair cycle 
  • Relational intelligence 
  • Empathy with the feminine practice

Module 7: Conscious Masculinity

  • Conscious masculine principles
  • Positive masculine rolemodels vs negative rolemodels  
  • Stepping into a purposeful life
  • Integrated masculine embodiment practice

Module 8: Sustaining Growth & Transformation

  • Creating a growth plan
  • Building a long term vision for your life
  • Wisdom, maturity and insight
  • The conscious king meditation practice


Here's What Others Have Experienced Working With Us...

Alexander: Yoga Teacher

"Through this understanding, I'm finding out my masculinity. It's amazing.

I know now what I want to tell her. My words are in alignment with my feelings and my mind. Everything comes into place... In 1 week!"

Morten: Massage Therapist

"For the past 40 years i've been suffering from a lot of lethargy and shame.. Now I feel all of that getting released and my life is really picking up speed!

I'm sensing new attraction from women, I'm starting my own business and everything is beginning to roll for me."

Jacob: Sales Rep

"Since working with Jasper, I'm way more confident. I've learned more about myself, the image I want to portray & what I want to attract.

If you're on the fence, jump in, he's great and worth every dime you're going to spend!"

Stephen: Software Engineer

"I've gotten to the point now where I feel like I have a very healthy se%uality which is integrated with the concept of love and it's not something that I'm remotely ashamed of anymore.

That shame is actually very toxic, it doesn't make you a better person, it makes you a much worse person."

Become The Legendary Lover & The Hero In Your Relationship
The Man That Women Admire

Check Out Some Of the Feedback From The Men's Community!

Introducing.. The 7 Week Self-Paced Online Course

A systematic and authentic approach designed to help you understand the patterns and wounds that have been keeping you stuck. NOTE: This is not a QUICK FIX! Healing and empowerment takes serious work and commitment to achieve REAL RESULTS!

This course will guide you towards...

  • Overcoming nice guy syndrome once and for all. 
  • Embracing authenticity and vulnerability as a strength. 
  • Becoming assertive and developing healthy boundaries. 
  • Building self confidence and discovering self love. 
  • Building healthy vibrant relationships! 
  • Cultivating a conscious approach towards masculinity. 
  • Reigniting the sparks in your relationship. 
  • Get clear on your mission, direction and purpose in life! 
  • Learning how to sustain your growth for decades to come. 
  • Becoming THE MAN you were born to be!

Features of the Course

  • Seven self paced video modules with in-depth theoretical presentations and homework instructions. 
  • Guided practices and techniques for the embodiment of this work. 
  • Detailed journal prompts to help you contemplate and get the most out of this inner work.
  • Option to join our private telegram group for community support, accountability and brotherhood on this path. 
  • Recorded Q&A zoom calls with Jasper Brown and the men's group.

Does This Resonates With You?

About Your Teacher & His Journey So Far..

I'm Jasper Brown, Men's relationship and intimacy coach.

For most of my life I struggled with relationships.. Women were always a 'mystery' to me and after a string of broken and toxic relationships I finally looked in the mirror and realised that the problem was me.

I was a needy 'Nice Guy', emotionally unavailable and deeply wounded from my traumatic childhood.. But unable to own it with women I was attracted to.

Hardly relationship material.

These realisations led me down a crazy path..

I started searching for answers, travelled to India several times to study spirituality and spent years doing intense amounts of daily practice and wild experimentation with my body.

I fasted every week, gave up meat, drugs and ejaculation for over 5 years.

I even spent years doing an hour of headstand.. Every single day.

I participated in and started running Men's groups

I went on several isolated solo meditation retreats

& even joined a sex cult

Crazy.. I know.

But years of efforts and discipline I eventually discovered the tools that set me free.

I met the woman of my dreams, healed my 'Nice Guy' syndrome and finally started to find my purpose in life!

Now I spend my time coaching other men full time and soaking up island vibes with my girlfriend in Thailand.

Throughout the last years working with hundred of men from around the world, I've perfected my methods and developed some of the best resources and tools on the planet to support the men who work with me.

I've built a tight-knit men's community and channel all my energy towards my passion and purpose..

Helping men like you.


  • Feeling more confident and masculine
  • Creating deeper intimacy, trust and turn-on
  • Enjoying your life inside the bedroom and outside of it
  • Being unapologetic about your needs, desires and fantasies
  • Healing your wounds and supporting your lover to heal as well
  • Freeing up time and energy to focus on your life's purpose
  • Getting respect, appreciation and devotion from women 
  • Creating vibrant & healthy long term relationships
  • Living a life of deep integrity and meaning
  • Embracing your full power as a man

All these benefits are possible because when your a needy, people pleasing 'Nice Guy', let's face it.. Life sucks!

You spend all your time walking on egg shells, putting out fires and feeling frustrated AF.

Despite all your efforts, your needs don't get met, because you're actually too afraid to own them!

Instead you avoid conflict & play it safe because of your debilitating fear of rejection or abandonment.

Instead you seek to get your needs met in covert & manipulative ways.. which only leads to resentment building up inside you.

Which acts like a cancer that poisons the relationships you're in.

The story of my life!

These realisations sent me into deep depression and multiple dark nights of the soul.

For the past 7 years I've been obsessed with physical, spiritual, emotional and energetic healing and development.

Searching for the ultimate solutions to create the harmonious love relationship and life i'd been longing for.

I've scoured the planet as well as the internet for the highest level teachings, systems, gurus and even travelled to India 7 times as well as over 20 other countries.

The cornucopia of knowledge i've digested has allowed me to distill many of the great insights and methods I've experimented with over the years..

Into the form of a video course and tight-knit community that will give you some insane shortcuts!

It's everything I wish I had access to, way back when I started.

And it's all right here for you.

Who This Course is For:

  • You want to learn how to heal your relationship to your primal masculine essence from the comfort of your home. (aside from time spent in nature) 
  •   You are tired of wasting your time with so-called solutions, reading books or buying courses that don't work and fumbling around in the dark without any real improvements.
  • You are serious about your health, relationship, transformation & living a life aligned with your highest purpose. 

Who This Course is NOT For:

  • You are looking for a quick fix, magic pill, or band-aid solutions. 
  • You want to continue wasting time & money doing it the hard and slow way. 
  • You want to continue doing the same old techniques because some 'guru' said it worked for them.


The Investment For This Course Will Be $197
Monthly Access (cancel anytime)

I know that sounds RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP for everything I'm throwing in.. & thats because IT IS!

I'll probably increase the value IF I end up doing future rounds of the course.

BUT I wanted to create a LOW COST product that delivers insanely HIGH VALUE for my brothers on this path.

This way, you get a chance to see what I'M ALL ABOUT and we get to build a DEEPER RELATIONSHIP.

This is also an examples of my approach towards CONSCIOUS BUSINESS. 

The world is full of scammers and people that OVER PROMISE and UNDER DELIVER.

I want to EMBODY the OPPOSITE & teach other men to do the same!

So make sure to GRAB YOUR SPOT and I look forward to meeting you inside!




100% Satisfaction Guarantee

  • Instant access to the entire masterclass curriculum (20 videos totalling 7+ hours)
  • Step-by-step routines for solving 'Nice Guy' syndrome (the authentic way)
  • 7 in-depth theory presentations on all aspects of the teachings to give you a comprehensive conceptual understanding 
  • Deep embodiment practices to start working with immediately 
  • Guided meditations and deep relaxation techniques to develop your awareness and relaxation capabilities
  • Nervous system navigation tools to upgrade your body's base operating system
  • Practices that you can share with your partner / lover to deepen your intimacy 
  • The fundamental skillsets that will help you resolve arguments and diffuse triggering situations 
  • Conscious communication and relational intelligence techniques to apply in your relationship today
  • Powerful mindset hacks that you can use to program your subconscious mind 
  • A knowledge base that will set you apart from 99% of other men on the planet
  • Healthy and assertive boundary techniques to maintain a integral masculine frame


Now Only $197 (Increasing to $597 soon)

I want you to have very little risk with this purchase. I am so confident it will be the best course on conscious masculinity that you have ever purchased, I will personally refund you if you are unhappy within 7 days of purchasing it. No questions asked!

Frequently Asked Questions

We want to get you started on your journey as soon as possible. So right after you sign up you will receive instant access via email, along with all of the videos & PDF's with a unique login and password just for you. Along with the link to join the Telegram Men's community chat.

We like to update the content when needed, so this allows you to login from any computer or mobile device all around the world and receive the information at any time. The entire course is hosted on its own password­ protected website and even has it's very own app so you can immerse yourself in the content on your phone.

Not a problem. As a member of our course you get lifetime online access to the course material and free updates forever. Once you're in, you're in for life. That's how we roll :)

Results vary from man to man and obviously depends on how much work you put in. That said, many men see results within the first week or two, while others may take months of dedicated practice to achieve major breakthroughs. One thing is for sure.. If you do the work, the results will come. It's only a matter of time and effort on your part.

I read the book also, many years ago and while it helped me a lot, I also needed to integrate many other perspectives and teachings to get where I am now. Books and the information they contain are great, but it's a whole other thing to EMBODY the theory. That's why I've built this course, to give you additional layers of depth and support to accelerate your progress. Personally I've found video, audio guided practices along with community support and accountability to be hugely transformative elements that books will never deliver. The hundreds of men i've helped have validated this claim with their results.

You could see massive benefit from just the first few sections of the course, but it is advisable to follow the entire course (or as much as you can do).

Then email [email protected] within 7 days to receive a refund. No questions asked.

Our mission is to take you from surviving to thriving. There is always room for major improvements and breakthroughs. Even after several years of doing this work, new lessons and incredible insights continue to appear for me, I'm sure it will be the same for you too!

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