Heal Your Wounds, Build Your Dream Relationship & Discover Your Life's Purpose

As a man, I'm sure you

know this all too well.


Ready To Start The Hero's Journey?

"He's uncovered the absolute gold that will turn any man into a God-level-lover!"


"If you finally want to solve your personal relationship issues.. Work with this man!"


It's A Confusing Time To Be A Man

While wrestling with the evolving landscape of manhood in the 21st century, many of us find ourselves struggling with a crisis of masculinity and find ourselves failing in our most important relationships.

The Conscious Masculine is a bold path towards the deep healing and empowerment that is necessary for men to forge a deeply conscious approach and skillset.

By understanding your past, sharpening your awareness, and building your strengths, this course offers a clear blueprint to become more fully embodied in your masculinity.

Understand how to heal your relationships, discover your higher purpose and pave the way towards spiritual awakening.

Get instant access to 20+ hours of exclusive content focussed on helping you develop your conscious masculine qualities in the shortest time possible

Module 1: Sharpening The Sword Of Self Awareness

Start Approaching Personal Growth Like a Pro - Learn How to Sharpen Your Tools and Setup Your Life to Guarantee Your Results.

Module 2: Healing The Boy

Understand Your Wounds That Have Shaped You, Integrate The Past and Use It To Shape The Highest Version of Yourself.

Module 3: Becoming Truly Authentic

Start Owning Your Needs & Desires and Develop Emotional Mastery Without Suppressing What You Really Think & Feel.

Module 4: The Conscious Relationship Blueprint

Free Yourself From Toxic Cycles & Use Conflict To Create Deeper Trust, Intimacy & Turn-on With The Person You Love.

Module 5: Step Into Your Power

Take Radical Responsibility Over Your Life, Step Onto The Hero's Path & Start Taking Building Unshakable Confidence In Yourself!

Module 6: Life Purpose & Vision

Clarify Your Values, Discover Your Ultimate Purpose In Life And Start Living Life On Your Terms Instead Of Anyone Else's!

Module 7: Awakening Higher Consciousness

Avoid The Major Traps That Everyone Falls For and Save Yourself Decades of Time. Start Raising Your Level Of Consciousness Immediately!


Embrace The Hero's Journey


Join a vibrant community of like minded men who meet twice a week, every week via zoom with time zones that work anywhere in the world!

  • Surround yourself with strong, dedicated men who are doing the work.
  • Participate in deep discussions about the challenges and joys of being a man.
  • Get live coaching and support from Jasper & other professional coaches.
  • Access 8 live zoom calls per month including all call recordings.

Between calls we stay connected and support the work via our 24/7 Telegram community chat.

  • Live chat support around the clock from the men's community 
  • Tune into ongoing conversations about the themes and topics of the course
  • Unlimited voice messages and video memos for fast feedback on your questions
  • Benefit from the insights and support of over 70+ men

About Your Teacher & His Journey So Far..

I'm Jasper Brown, Men's relationship and intimacy coach.

I used to be the guy who was afraid to be himself around the women I liked.

For most of my life I struggled with relationships and after a string of broken and toxic ones I finally looked in the mirror and realised that the problem was me.

These realisations led me down a crazy path..

I started searching for answers, travelled to India several times to study spirituality and spent years doing intense amounts of daily practice and wild experimentation with my body.

I fasted every week, gave up meat, drugs and ejaculation for over 5 years.

I even spent years doing an hour of headstand.. Every single day.

I participated in and started running Men's groups.

I went on several isolated solo meditation retreats.

After years of efforts and discipline I eventually discovered the tools that set me free.

I met the woman of my dreams, healed my 'Nice Guy' syndrome and finally found my purpose in life!

Working with hundred of men from around the world, I've perfected my methods and developed some of the best resources and tools on the planet to support the men who are ready to do the work.

I've built a tight-knit men's community and channel all my energy towards my passion and purpose..

Helping men like you.


  • Powerful Embodiment Practices To Get You Out of Your Head & Into Your Body 
  • Daily Journal & Self Reflection Homework To Generate Profound Insights  
  • Systems To Track All Your Progress and Leave Nothing Up To Chance 
  • 20+ Hours of Video Guided Curriculum On Conscious Masculinity 
  • Blueprints & Models To Guide Your Growth For Years to Come 
  • Archive Access To All Previous Group Call Recordings 
  • 2 Weekly Live Men's Group Coaching Zoom Calls
  • Multiple Time Zone Options Suitable Worldwide
  • 24/7 Chat Support Group Via Telegram

I was tempted to charge thousands of dollars for this course..

BUT I wanted to create a LOW COST product that delivers insanely HIGH VALUE for my brothers on this path.

This way, you get a chance to see what I'M ALL ABOUT and we get to build a DEEPER RELATIONSHIP.

This is also an examples of my approach towards CONSCIOUS BUSINESS. 

The world is full of scammers and people that OVER PROMISE and UNDER DELIVER.

I want to EMBODY the OPPOSITE & teach other men to do the same!

So Instead I decided to create a super accessible membership option for..

Only $148/Month!

I know that sounds RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP for everything I'm throwing in.. & thats because IT IS!


  • Instant access Access to the entire Conscious Masculine curriculum with 20+ hours of recorded content.
  • Membership within The Conscious Masculine Men's Community.
  • Vault clearance to all previous group call recordings.
  • Guided embodiment practices, group challenges and homework.
  • Guided meditations and deep relaxation techniques to develop your awareness and relaxation capabilities.
  • Nervous system regulation tools to upgrade your body's base operating system.
  • The fundamental skillsets that will help you resolve arguments and diffuse triggering situations. 
  • Conscious communication and relational intelligence techniques to apply in your relationship today.
  • Powerful mindset hacks that you can use to program your subconscious mind. 
  • A knowledge base that will set you apart from 99% of other men on the planet.
  • Healthy and assertive boundary techniques to maintain a integral masculine frame.
  • A clear and systematic process for discovering your life's purpose.

Who This Course is For:

  • You want to learn how to heal the relationship to yourself and learn how to show up with integrity and confidence.
  •   You are tired of wasting your time with so-called 'solutions', reading books or buying courses that don't work.
  • You are serious about understanding relationships and building a life aligned with your highest purpose. 

Who This Course is NOT For:

  • You are looking for a quick fix, magic pill, or band-aid solutions. 
  • You want to continue wasting time & money doing it the hard and slow way. 
  • You want to continue doing the same old techniques because some alpha bro or 'guru' said it worked for them.


Only $148/Month!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee - Cancel Anytime!

I want you to have very little risk with this purchase. I am so confident it will be the best course on conscious masculinity that you have ever purchased, I will personally refund you if you are unhappy within 7 days of purchasing it. No questions asked!

Frequently Asked Questions

We want to get you started on your journey as soon as possible. So right after you sign up you will receive instant access via email, along with all of the videos & PDF's with a unique login and password just for you. Along with the link to join the Telegram Men's community chat.

We like to update the content when needed, so this allows you to login from any computer or mobile device all around the world and receive the information at any time. The entire course is hosted on its own password­ protected website and even has it's very own app so you can immerse yourself in the content on your phone.

Not a problem. As a member of our course you get full online access to the course material and free updates forever. Once you're in, the content and men's group is just waiting for you to join.

Results vary from man to man and obviously depends on how much work you put in. That said, many men see results within the first week or two, while others may take months of dedicated practice to achieve major breakthroughs. One thing is for sure.. If you do the work, the results will come. It's only a matter of time and effort on your part.

I read the book also, many years ago and while it helped me a lot, I also needed to integrate many other perspectives and teachings to get where I am now. Books and the information they contain are great, but it's a whole other thing to EMBODY the theory. That's why I've built this course, to give you additional layers of depth and support to accelerate your progress. Personally I've found video, audio guided practices along with community support and accountability to be hugely transformative elements that books will never deliver. The hundreds of men i've helped have validated this claim with their results.

You could see massive benefit from just the first few sections of the course, but it is advisable to follow the entire course (or as much as you can do).

Then email [email protected] or send me a DM on IG/Telegram within 7 days to receive a refund. No questions asked.

Our mission is to take you from surviving to thriving. There is always room for major improvements and breakthroughs. Even after several years of doing this work, new lessons and incredible insights continue to appear for me, I'm sure it will be the same for you too!